Covid 19 precautions

Our priority at Hedgehope Cottage is to ensure that all our guests are kept as safe as possible during their stay.

We have produced a covid risk assessment and updated our cleaning procedure in line with Government guidelines on cleaning of self-catering accommodation.

Cleaning and general preparation of the cottage will be in accordance with the PASC Covid 19 cleaning industry standards and we have been awarded Visit Britain / Visit England ‘We’re Good to Go’ Industry Standard.

“We’re Good To Go” is the official UK mark to signal that a tourism and hospitality business has worked hard to follow the Government’s industry COVID-19 guidelines and has a process in place to maintain cleanliness and aid social distancing.

We have put rigorous procedures in place to ensure that the risk of infection to our guests is reduced.

These include:
• Using personal protective equipment for cleaning
• PASC approved cleaning products and virucidal disinfectants
• We leave a minimum 1 hour gap with ventilation between exit and entry.
• Contactless key collection
• Minimum 72 hour quarantine and airing of pillows, bedding and cushions
• Linen and towels laundered to NHS standards to kill viruses and bacteria.
• Adapted our check in and/or check out times where necessary to allow for additional cleaning time if required
• Additional ‘anti-viral’ cleaning for frequently touched areas, such as:
Light/lamp switches
Stair rails
Key box and keys
Window handles
Remote controls
Thermostats and heating controls
Cottage Information Folders
Appliances such as oven and hob, fridge freezer, toaster, kettle, iron, hair dryer, and vacuum cleaner.
Taps, sinks and shower heads,
Mops, dustpan & brush
All cutlery and crockery is cleaned as standard

• Ensuring that the threat from Legionella is reduced by following a legionella prevention procedure, including running taps, showers and flushing toilets after a period of unoccupation.

• To limit contact to our guests we are offering urgent or essential maintenance only during your stay. None emergency maintenance will be attended to once a guest has departed from the property.

• To comply with NHS Track and Trace, there is a Hedgehope QR code to permit guests register on arrival. Should guests prefer not to scan themselves in then we can retain guests’ contact details to permit compliance. 

If you have any queries regarding our cleaning policy then please do not hesitate to contact us on 01665 605987 or by sending an email to